Be sure to read all the entries. One parent group concerned about gang activities at the local mall wants to remove all books dealing with gang themes from the library. First of all, does this mean that modern-day classics like The Outsiders
My take on this? First, educate parents. Provide them with information which summarizes the books you're teaching, while at the same time providing a rationale; in other words, why this book and not another?
Second, have a fall-back book for those students whose parents object to the title you're using. For example, if a parent objects to The Devil's Arithmetic
Third, be sure that all books you're using have been approved (including read-alouds and micro-texts). You want the district behind you should an offended parent come out swinging!
You might also want to check out Amazon's list of banned books. You won't believe some of the titles that appear here, nor the reasons why they're found to be so offensive!
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